So, a friend and I thought it would be a cool idea if we made some live action trailers for
The Way. Like what they did with
Towers of Midnight (see here: We were thinking of basically shooting a bunch of trailers for different characters. I sent Lun a message on YouTube and he thought the idea sounded pretty cool.
I have been listening to a bunch of stuff recently and this one song by Before the Dawn struck me as being a good to use track. I couldn't find the version of the song on YouTube but I did manage to download Lun's trailer for The Way and put it to said song (which, coincidentally, Lun thought was well done), the song being the acoustic version of My Room from their latest album
Deathstar Rising: was thinking of using that same music for a trailer featuring Lyrra.
I have found what I feel is perhaps the best piece of music that could be used for a trailer featuring Rhue, a metal version of
Here Comes The Rain Again: was thinking of using this for a trailer featuring Scatha and/or Slade,
Refined in the Fire by Winds of Plague: was thinking of using this for a pastiche trailer featuring the phantom slasher, the black lyn and other blood lyn the blue scarves and maybe other groups like the guided too,
Raise the Dead/One for the Butcher: said he was not too fond of "hardcore metal" but I felt that they suit the characters both musically as well as thematically. I.e. "I fear no evil, evil fucking fears me" suits Slade right down to a tee and also fits Scatha somewhat as well, and the whole "I am refined in the fire, from the flames I emerge" fits Scatha like a glove, imo. The "we have come as children of the night, sworn to drain everything of life" fits the phantom slasher but also the Blood Lyn (imo) esp. given the use of the plural 'we'.
I was thinking of using this for a combo trailer featuring Traziun and Gaius,
Empyreal by Sylosis: reason why I chose this is because it sounds cool, badass but also mysterious and the theme of a cave fits the setting where you first meet Gaius.
We were also thinking of maybe doing a half-hour to an hour long feature film, although both Lun and I agreed that that would be difficult due to money and time limitations. I was thinking of taking all the movie appropriate material from Episode 1 and maybe merging it with some stuff from Episode 2, although Lun said that Ep 1 probably isn't the best choice although he thought the fireside scene would be good to use. Obviously, this would need to be carefully thought out. One possibility is seeing if I could get these guys on board: possibility is getting people from my university to help. Anyway...
Feel free to pitch in suggestions and so on. One thing I would like advice on is costumes. Like, what material should Traziun's costume be made from? And so on. So, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
In this day and age, an era where there are people who actually throw shit at each other, anything, could be possible.