Character break-down

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Character break-down

Postby Amgard » Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:26 pm

Post basically your summary and what you've figured out about each character.


Rhue's weird. You notice he's becoming "softer" or more emotional, but at the same time, he's become a real hard-ass. He kills Lexus, moans about how he regrets it. Then he ignored Cetsa dying, killed Lyrra and had the audacity to make fun of Strata who was greiving to hell about it.
If you watch, Rhue's slowly acting more and more like the game's anti-hero. He does good things, but he's going to step over everyone to do it.


Gaius is just as weird. We know one thing: He's Kalmar's perfect blade. He pulled strings to get the Guided to fight. Here's what we see he's done:

-He consults with Velucia almost constantly, where they trash-talk Sacrifa

-He arrives at the Shadow Lord hideout after Jopaga dies, and relates them with Sacrifa. (MAYBE Sacrifa would use the formula to shift Lilah's soul to another body?)

-He knows Entrego's true identidy. What does this mean? I think it means he employed Entrego to force the Vigilante against Sacrifa and his guided. Not to mention he employed the Aristotzi. Gaius blames the entire fiasco on Sacrifa.

-Lead the REBEL forces he so hearity tried to outcast. (Sacrifa notes "The Man from Xor will lead our forces", and Gaius is from Xor, or says he is)

-Is OBVIOUSLY related to the deaths of those same rebel forces (He's in the damn cave, right by the massacre! I mean Rhue thought Tetzel killed them all and went in)

-Claims to be on NEITHER side of the Guided/Rebel war (Indicating he's playing both ends)

-Is a Blood Lyn

-Was allowed to leave the Dalhara grounds uncontested. Kalmar seems to have let him go. Trazuin notes Gaius must be Kalmar's perfect blade. This doesn't mean much until we note the Blood Lyn HATE the Guided.

He exists to totally destroy the Guided. In short, even though I think the Guided suck, Gaius is acting like one huge mofo. Also, there's one question: Why did he fake injury in Chapter 1 and run off even later? He's flighty as hell, and he has a connection with Rhue.


Traziun's pretty much set in stone: He kicks ass, he takes names, and he's sharp. Nothing can defy that. Otherwise, he's probably going to hunt whoever REALLY killed his mother. The biggest mystery with him is: who?

Rhue- Possible, and it sucks to know. Rhue can't die, so Trazuin has to if this happens. Trazuin is the only person Rhue can really trust, and is his best friend. Lun would be pulling out one heart-wrenching fight to make this work.

Gaius- IMO, the MOST possible, not because it logically shocks Trazuin. He knew who Gaius was, never met him before he met Rhue, and he knows Kalmar let him leave. What makes him the most likely is Kalmar watched his wife die and didn't do anything to stop it. So it's someone he both knew, and possibly planned with. Gaius was Kalmar's "Perfect Blade", so Kalmar would've gone through every length to make his training both perfect and without fear. Gaius kills without fear as I stated, so he probably staged this as a test to get rid of Gaius' guilt.

Trazuin himself! - Hah hah, no. I'll shut up now

Also, remember Traziun knew Gaius and Rhue for about the same length of time, so he had just as much of an ability to make a friend out of him as he did Rhue


IMHO the best character so far. This guy is a true villain. Too bad he was killed... He pulls more strings than Gaius (He pulls Gaius), he's the Black-freaking-Lyn. He's taking down the Guided, he seems to know about many Shadow/Illuminati swords (He can identify them just by touching/being hit with them). He's also one of the best warriors ever. He seems to be totally sadistic too (He lets the heroes duke it out for fun). Finally, he has his OWN FORTRESS ON ANOTHER DIMENSION. I mean COME ON!


This guy is villain material. He's a Guided, so he's probably a jackass. He also killed the closest thing to a forerunner: Eyashu. He did it to protect the secret of the End of the Way (From what we can see: There is no end. The Way is a circular path.) So what does this mean? He knows people don't need to worry about settling, he knows there isn't any real mist swallowing up the back of the Way. He also employs the PS to enforce protection of this. He knows who the PS is. And hopefully he knows more about the Upper Way, since he happens to live on a mountain and is very knowledgable.


Another awesome character. He wants to reveal the secret about the End of the Way. He probably settled in Estrana because he knows that, and he didn't have to worry. He destroyed a damn city out of revenge. This guy is cool in a good/bad way. His last words before he did his demon thing was "The lord of the pits is too eager", which leads me to think he's going to have to pay him back, and play a HUGE role in things to come. He's not a bad guy, he's probably going to be posessed or taken over in some way, and become a villain. Or help Rhue out and get killed. Either way, he's NOT dead yet.

Any ideas?
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Postby Impossible » Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:07 pm

Traziun's pretty much set in stone: He kicks ass, he takes names, and he's sharp.


Those are some nice theories... I never thought about Gaius or Tetzel in that way very much before, so those two in particular were good.
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Postby Amgard » Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:48 pm


Gaius is kind of easy to decipher if you pay close attention to what he says, then try and compare it to what he does/says at another time.

So, anyone else have any character observations?
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Postby Impossible » Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:38 pm

Um... Well, Scatha is Chasta, Slade's sister.

omg leik ir teh genus!1!shiftandone!!11!!

I dunno, I'm not in much of a theory-coming-upper-withing-inner-ing mood right now.
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Postby Amgard » Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:35 pm

Aw hell, I'll do a few more. I was going to play some Super Mario All Stars but I can't find any controllers.


Very mysterious lady. She's obviously is Slade's sister (She spitefully insulted him on the mountain, Slade's memories show a girl being burned/tossed into pits, and Scatha has a bad face AND is Princess Pit!). She has a few mysteries about her that need to be cleared up.

-Connection with Dirk. She knows Dirk, and before she was burnt. Neither of them recognized each other, so it may have been awhile back. Could it be the guy she had a fling with? (Dear Or maybe Dirk helped her out in the Pits?

-Jopaga and the Shadow Man. Scatha was in the Pits when she met Rhue collecting components for Jopaga's formula. On the way, she met The Shadow Man, who she struggled with for an item, and was beaten. What could it be?

-Her search for Tetzel. Why does she search for Tetzel? She's the one who started the "Let's get Tetzel" and told got Dirk's help. She needs Tetzel for something. Maybe since Tetzel knows about The End of the Way, maybe Scatha can gain the fabled "Unlimited Power" and fix her face? I dunno, it's wierd.


Oh Christ... This is a crazy guy, this Dirk is. He's more than what he seems, that's for sure. He knows waaaay too much about his surroundings. He knew about Tetzel's books, Eyashu's death, the End of the Way, etc. He could be a number of things

-A real Forerunner. He's wandered the entire Way, gone 'round and is making a second trip.

-A being from the Upper Way (He could see The Way in it's entirety and find out where things are and what happens).

-Not bound by The Purpose (Scroll down to see my theory on the purpose)He doesn't have a motive or method. He helps who needs helping, especially sexy ladies like Cetsa or Kloe.

-Just a crazy perverted coot who knows things. Yeah...right. He's a little too odd for that.

Shadow MAN!

Shadow Man is an odd fellow. We can peice together some things about him.

-He's a pit-dweller

-He can be destroyed by Rhue's sword "blasts". Since he seems to be a dark guy, Rhue's sword must've gone Illuminati there.

-He was a after Jopaga's ingredients, and attacked Scatha. Maybe the Aura-splitting ingredients could return his no-body self to his body? Maybe

-He may or may not be Midian. He has a similar charset

Phantom Slasher!

This guy is totally out of it, killing people. He spares children though. He seems to kill at random, otherwise. The question is: WHO IS HE!?

Rhue - There's a chance. We can see Rhue's 'dark' side emerges sometimes. Once when Jopaga's formula took effect (What I think is that his aura seperated, took it's own form and wasted Jopaga). His sword may also be a catalyst for the splitting (It takes him over from time to time)

Trazuin - Only because their sword styles are alike. He also has a semi-similar faceset, but the charset is unlike.

Gaius - I think so. The Phantom Slasher is a tool of the Guided, and Gaius is affiliated with the Guided (Of course, he's really screwing them over), and he may have entered into Tetzel's cabinet by offering his skills as the PS. The PS is seen shortly before we meet Gaius, and shortly after he leaves later. People are killed, and Gaius is down the road. The PS also follows Rhue around, and Gaius mentioned he once knew Rhue.

Purpose/Pit Beast/Shadowman - I doubt it. The PS is nothing more than a sneaky, elusive killer. He hasn't shown any special powers.


The Purpose is THE most mentioned thing in The Way. It guides people's lives, protects them, etc. But is the Purpose really what it seems? Here's some ideas of what the Purpose could be

-Non existant, and the Guided are just using it's name to strike fear into people

-A god-like being or idea that actually does what it's said to do. But we all know nothing in The Way is quite like it seems. :)

-*My personal theory* A being that inspires Purpose into wanderers, and that's why they wander the way. They never stop wandering because they never fulfill their purpose. Take Rhue for example. He will NOT stop wandering until he finds Serena. And has he gotten closer to finding her? No. He'll keep wandering, looking for her until he dies. Same goes for Trazuin finding the killer, Forewoman Hill becoming famous, Scatha fixing her face. It won't happen because The Purpose prevents it. That's why the Guided hate Settlers, because they lose their purpose. People who lose their purpose become "Free" of the Way and can see the Way for what it is. Dirk is like that. He has no Purpose in life, and he seems to be free of all method and motive. He helps people because he's a nice dude, he doesn't wander for a reason, and he doesn't wander when he doesn't want to. He's free from the Way. Eyashu may also have figured this out too before he was killed. See "What will happen in Ep6" topic around page 18/19 for more ideas on that.
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Postby the_4 » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:50 pm

This is a useful topic. We need to put all the information in order if we want to reveal anything about The Way.

Oh, and I really like your theory about the Purpose. Even look at Strata: he wants to become famous, but the city is destroyed when he wins the competition. Lyrra could never find her father because he's dead, and she probably died, unfulfilled. Even if this theory isn't correct, it's still good. One question is, though, what was the purpose of people like the first ones Rhue encounters in the game? Or Lyrra and her family, before they get attacked by Blue Scarves?
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Postby Amgard » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:51 pm

See, that's why there's the guided and the spread of "Wander the way". Every wanderer's purpose is to wander the Way and avoid the rolling Mists.

So there's a general purpose, and everyone usually has an underlying purpose. If you settle, the general purpose is gone and you have only the underlying purpose. That's what the Guided fear, someone who doesn't have one
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Postby Amgard » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:59 pm

I just noticed something completely messed that means Kalmar is still playing a part.

He says this before Trazuin gets stuff "Eating into his mind"

KALMAR: Yes, you will see
for yourself for we will soon be
bound together.

Bound together. So Kalmar isn't really dead, but he's bound to Trazuin? Also, he mentions using his own Shadow Sword "Ghost Horror" and how it will go to another.
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Postby Kyle » Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:08 am

Thanks for the recaps Amgard, they really helped me to see things clearer!

Could you do the others too? Strata, Slade, Serena, ...
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Postby Amgard » Sun Aug 08, 2004 12:33 pm

Alright, I still can't find a controller.


Slade's got some major emotional problems deep down. He was taught to respect and obey his mother without question. This makes him a sort of child-figure role so he clings to his superiors like they were his parents.

He has a relationship with Lexus, as we can see. It's mostly one of hate, but we notice that Slade saves Lexus at one point (in the Casino Basement) and he is honestly willing to protect her. I think it's a combination of both following orders, and seeing Lexus as the sister he's always wanted, and needed to protect so she doesn't end up like Chasta. At the same time, he dislikes her because she's disobediant herself and puts herself in danger.

Slade is the best person for Rhue to relate with. When you see them talking, you can see Slade is a lot like him, but more of a puppet than Rhue.

Slade's last big role is the showdown between Rhue and himself on Laodecia stretch where he gives Rhue a good thrashing and getting himself a good word-thrashing about how he has ability to stand up for himself.

Our vigilante almost gets killed and witnesses what he thinks is yet another death (Lyrra's). Because he's let so many girls down in his life, Slade becomes depressed and detatched from reality.

One of the last things he says before he jumps off that cliff is "I can't help you, I can't help anyone". Kloe approaches him and he gets jump and throws himself off. He wasn't really suicidal, but he was cornered by a girl, and he honestly thought that he was cursed to have women die around him (His younger sister, Chasta, Lexus, Lyrra), so he tried to save HER the only way he thought possible: By killing himself.

(Somehow) he survives the fall long enough to realize what a failure he's become. He thinks he can't save anyone, he knows he was a puppet. So just before he dies, he does one thing he knows is just and right for him. He stabs Cetsa and dies.

But really, Slade doesn't notice he does uphold a lot of justice for himself. He resisted Patura's advances because he knew he couldn't do something wrong, even if it was for his superiors. He confronted Rhue by himself without orders because he believed he was a criminal. So Slade wasn't a failure. He was just pessimistic as hell and believed he was.


Strata is THE Lyn. He's one of the best sword-fighters around and has a huge ego to match. I almost thought he was like Gary from Pokemon when I first saw him. He's pretty much Rhue's rival.

He doesn't play many roles until chapter 4, he just slows Rhue down, bugs him and causes him some serious trouble. For such a deadly guy, he's pretty petty going after a young nobody like Rhue. So Strata kind of has a inferiority complex. He likes to put others down because it makes him feel better. Why else would he pester one guy he met repeatedly?

Finally in Chapter 4 he becomes Rhue's biggest obstacle. Both Trazuin and Rosmar, two guys Rhue could never have a hope of beating, suddenly are scared of Strata. And Rhue realizes beating Strata is his only hope of ever freeing Cetsa. Things seem stacked in Rhue's favor, eh? Well, yeah. Rhue loses, and Strata humiliates him (He humiliated me, I didn't last the 6 passes. >_<)

Strata finally gets his just deserts when Traziun manages to make him humilate himself. Strata never won a fair fight as Trazuin threw it. This seems to piss Strata off as he can't be the best to himself if he doesn't beat the best fairly.

Cut to his relationship with Lyrra. He's completely using her, like he's using everyone he's fought. He knows her dad is dead now that Rhue tells him, but why doesn't he tell Lyrra that? On one hand, Lyrra may leave him, but on the other hand, Rhue will get his ass kicked by Lyrra. I think it may be the latter. He doesn't seem to care for Lyrra, and he said to Rhue "I'm not a bad guy, you know".

Cut to where they find Slade with a sword inconspicuously stuck in him. Strata is getting annoyed with Lyrra, and now that he knows her dad is dead, so she's just wasting time searching. And he still doesn't tell her. Finally he's fed up with the search and leaves her. He plunges Cetsa and wins, still using women. He needs trophy wife to rocket himself to stardom. Of course, "the wife" Lyrra learns this and grabs a sword (Can someone tell me why people think this is a Shadow Sword?). After all that trash-talk Scatha gave her, plus what he sees Strata doing makes he go crazy and she chases him hilariously across The Way.

Finally they stop by the rebel camp where Strata tells Lyrra the truth that Rhue killed her father, Rhue conviniently nearby. She charges Rhue, gets killed. Rhue leaves and Strata makes one big-ass revelation. "I see it all now". He left Lyrra right? She wasn't going to rocket him to fame anymore, so why did he give a damn? Because he did give a damn. Deep down, he cared for that crazy lady. Now he has to get revenge.

In the case that Rhue fought (and won) Strata is suprised. All he can do is sit there with blood on his face and stare. He's finally been beaten, and he can't take it.

What's in store for our friend Strata? I think his realization that he cared for someone coupled with his realization that he's not perfect will lead him to becoming a deeper character. If he doesn't become a deeper character, he's gonna get killed for sure. He can't face Rhue, so he'll have to join him or someone else, or just fade away (and I doubt that)


Not much to say, she's defined but why Rhue says. So either...

1) Rhue has a bad memory

2) We decide who Serena is (Unlikely, Lun sucks at giving us choices. :P)

3) Serena is just an idea Rhue has and she doesn't exist. Serena is like his "perfect woman" so we define it by how we like women...or something.
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Postby Kyle » Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:11 pm

Nice, again :)

You forgot to mention Slade seems to know Strata as is mentioned in the first episode. I don't know if this means anything, but I doubt it's been put in for nothing.

Who are next? :roll: Lexus, Kloe, Cetsa, ... ?

I hope that controller doesn't show up :P
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Postby EmperorJeramyu » Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:14 pm

Amgard wrote:(Can someone tell me why people think this is a Shadow Sword?)

That always strikes me as odd. People seem to think it's Kalmar's "Ghost Horror". That'd be one darn illogical plot device.
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Postby Kyle » Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:52 pm

Well, it drives Lyrra mad rather soon and when she drops the sword, she regains her calm self. Rhue also slashes the sword into the air, indicating that it might be a Shadow Sword.
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Postby the_4 » Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:59 pm

Lyrra regains her "calm self" because she's in shock. She's standing there impaled on a sword, come on! And who said anything about Shadow Swords driving people crazy, anyway?
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Postby EmperorJeramyu » Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:06 pm

And besides, remember in E2, when Rhue attacks the shadow sword down there? Huge light show + psycho Rhue.

Though it does seem odd that Lun would bother to animate that in. Maybe it'll have more signifigance later.
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