by Sling » Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:19 pm
First up, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. I was originally not going to get a PS3, but I decided to watch a Let's Play of the game to see what I missed. I am now going to get a PS3 when I can afford one. For this game, and one other (see below). Whilst the B&B bosses are fucking terrible
God of War III. I didn't give a shit about the God of War series until my next door neighbour lent me God of War and God of War II. It was like Tomb Raider... only better. It takes a lot for me to think, 'Oh, that's a bit harsh' and the brutality in these games gave me goosebumps. Mmm, delicious murder. Tastes like chicken... and blood.
Command & Conquer 4. I saw the trailer and there was something about an insane, immortal(?), madman turning up via chinook to a Tiberium infested Manchester that made me think, "Ooo!". Then I found out this was the last C&C game to feature Cain, I immediately decided I am going to get this game. Unless, it later turns out to be shit. I am bit disappointed that you don't get to play as Scrin this time, from what I gather the gameplay is going to be a lot different, but in a good way.
StarCraft II. This game is ACTUALLY going to be released... I think. Either way, there are releasing it in three different discs, one for each faction. Although, apparently there isn't going to be any Network play, which sucks massive ass.
Supreme Commander 2. I loved the first one and the expansion pack. I wish I actually had the time to play this more often (seeing as a good game can last hours). I think it took me something like 2-3 hours to beat an easy AI. Then again, I did tech up and build loads of nuclear subs... and a Tech 4 articllery piece that takes 80 minutes to build (or something like that). There is nothing more hilarious into letting your opponent think they have you outnumbered when suddenly, BOOM, 20+ nukes hit your base and you start getting bombarded by a piece of artillery on the other side of the map. If the second one is anything like its predecessors then it is going to be fucking amazing.
Alien vs. Predator. Doesn't come out to March (fuck you Sega!) but worth the wait. As the Predator you can rip of the skulls of humans and aliens and stick them on your belt as trophies. Even if the rest of the game is shit, that single factor sold the game to me in an instant. Of course, the rest of the game is fucking amazing. I haven't seen any alien gameplay but apparently you can impregnate people and crazy shit like that.
Final Fantasy XIII. Okay, so Square Enix have let us down with X, X-2, XI, the remake of III (for fucking DS of all things!), Dissidia (for the fucking PSP this time, I mean what the FUCK?!) and XIV (another fucking MMO? What is wrong with the current one? And why ruin the main series by having another fucking MMO?! One was bad enough. Sheesh.), but XII was good and XIII looks really good. A black guy with a chocobo that lives in his afro? The only people I know who can sell such bizarre concepts as if they were common place truities, well, other than Hideo Kojima is Sqaure Soft. Main character is a female version of Cloud (basically), yet infinitely cooler (come on, Cloud was a bit gay sometimes).
Games that I have played and I have given my seal of approval to are: -
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I especially loved All Ghillied Up, it was good hearing Craig Fairbrass and Billy Murray's voices.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. It was good hearing Craig Fairbrass and Billy Murray's voices again, also I loved Special Ops and No Russian (it was the killing of the police that put a smile on my face oddly enough and killing civilians always provides inevitable hilarity no matter what game it is).
Halo 3. Multiplayer is what did it for me. I surprisingly got up to Level 2 Commander in the online rankings.
Resident Evil 5. Two words. Albert Wesker. Also, you get an orbital space laser targeter as a weapon against one of the last bosses. I thought Resident Evil 4 was pretty good, but this beats 4 into the dirt. Whilst it does not feature zombies, it is still a good game. Of course nothing beats the firs 2 Resident Evil games, but 5 is a close runner-up to their levels of awesome.
Grand Theft Auto 4. I loved this game. Whilst GTA usually serves as an excuse to kill random people and pick fights on the police, this game I actually gave a shit about the storyline. Either way, in one mission you get to rob a bank, a la Heat (1995 film with Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Val Kilmer and Tom Sizemore in it (if you get the chance torrent it)). One of your crew gets killed by some NRA member and you and the two other guys have to escape, on foot, from hoardes of police. I love it. You get to shoot at lots of police with an M4 Carbine... and you get hand grenades. Another mission involves taking on the armed thugs of a Jewish diamond dealer when some cunt turns up and ruins the deal by opening fire into the room. You later get to hunt down and kill said diamond dealer. Last mission you pick either to make peace with or get revenge on you arch nemesis Dmitri Rascalov. If you pick revenge, then some crazed mafia guy (Jimmy Pegorino) who wanted to make a deal with him kills your fancy woman (Kate McCreary) and then you have to hunt him down to. Whereas if you make the deal, Kate hates you for going against your personal beliefs and Dmitri hires a gunman to assisinate your cousin (Roman) on the day of his wedding with Mallorie). Fun times.
In this day and age, an era where there are people who actually throw shit at each other, anything, could be possible.