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Postby ThePuzzleMan » Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:19 am

I just finished playing the game for the 2nd time...and noticed something about the whole pharaphalyn thing...
It is said in the earlier episodes that he's the ultimate lyn with god-like powers....and only one can exist in the Way.... it is stated that when a wanderer encounters him, he will be at a place where others will recognize him,also some people believe he's just a legend, because there hasn't been one for a long time...

So, Kavax being the Pharaphalyn is a fact? Well, Kavax probably was killed long ago, but Rhue didn't recognized him as being the Pharaphalyn when the two confront each other for the 2nd time...

Personally, i think Lun just made the dispute for the title just to make the game more "exciting"and i don't believe Rhue became the Pharaphalyn after beating him...what do you guys think?

Sorry for my English, i don't know if i made my thoughts clearly, i hope you guys understand....
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Sling » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:08 pm

Rhue takes on different auras. It is likely he IS the Pharaphalyn. He just can't remember since he his aura is different than the the aura he had when he killed Kavax. Kavax's aura could have become Rhue's dominant aura at some point and auras don't remember when their bodies are killed for some reason.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Angel_OA » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:14 pm

If I remember right, the Pharaphalyn would have some kind of mark on his body. That's how people would recognise him.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Kcrazy » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:46 pm

Angel_OA wrote:If I remember right, the Pharaphalyn would have some kind of mark on his body. That's how people would recognise him.

Never says on his body, but yeah the Pharaphalyn is supposed to be marked in some fashion that all would recognise him. The only problem is no one ever notices Rhue as the Pharaphlyn. It's possible that since he's been the Pharaphlyn so long that people no longer know what the mark is. I've looked over his chara set alot trying to find anything, but I've got nothing.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Sage Of The Wise » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:51 pm

Well, we don't really know if Rhue was actually the Pharaphalyn, since the whole last episode didn't take place in the real world. It could meen nothing, hell, it could mean he was the strongest in that imaginary world. Or if he is the Pharaphalyn, nothing says every legend in the game has to be true, there could be no identifying mark or whatever.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Kcrazy » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:47 am

Sage Of The Wise wrote:Well, we don't really know if Rhue was actually the Pharaphalyn, since the whole last episode didn't take place in the real world. It could meen nothing, hell, it could mean he was the strongest in that imaginary world. Or if he is the Pharaphalyn, nothing says every legend in the game has to be true, there could be no identifying mark or whatever.

No the legend doesnt have to be true, but that would be rather lame to include that kind of info just to have it be fake. And yeah, him being Pharaphalyn in the dream world probably has no bearing in the real world, but since he did kill Kava in the real world it's possible that he is the Pharaphalyn.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Angel_OA » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:52 pm

Maybe there never was a Pharaphalyn in the real world. It could all be part of Tetzel's big plan.
Think about it, if you keep the fists concentrated on one selfish goal, to become the highest warrior, they're never going to work out what's really going on, let alone rebel.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Sage Of The Wise » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:06 pm

I don't think the guided as a whole cared about being the Pharaphalyn though. Pharaphalyn is part of the lyn ranking system, and from my impression, lyn was just a term for anyone who fights often, really general. And no one in the game even seemed to really care about the Pharaphalyn or becoming it.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Angel_OA » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:54 am

You could say that nobody in the game really seems that bothered about the rolling mists either.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby tridon777 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:00 am

I never really got the rolling mists. They talk about them at the beginning and then....nothing. No serious mention no real story around the "rolling mists". To me the Pharaphalyn part just seemed like a part of the "secrets" that are a staple in RPGs. Like battle arena in FF7 where you could get Cloud's best limit break Omnislash and the Final Attack Materia. hm..... very similar to the special attack you get for becoming Pharaphalyn.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby Conto » Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:59 pm

There is at least one identifying mark of the Pharaphalyn - the finisher. It has a different finisher than any other lyn class and even a unique animation for it.

There could also be some other way of identifying him. Remember the tournament in Estrana, and how Trazuin shocked Strata with something, right before faking defeat. Maybe he was the pharaphalyn and used that method.
Trazuin wasn't the paraphalyn at the tournament in Lide (the technique Kygar couldn't recognize was straphalyn finisher). However he has since gotten the shadow sword and with it, a lot of power, on top of already being a straphalyn. So he could be a pharaphalyn outside the sword's inner world.
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Re: Pharaphalyn

Postby KeeperofGlyphs » Sun May 21, 2023 12:02 pm

Gods, it's been so long since I've used a bulletin board... Anyway, I only started playing the Way fairly recently (within the last couple years), and it's easily become one of my favourite games of all time - I absolutely love the story and general tone of the series.

Regarding the pharaphalyn, I was left assuming the current living pharaphalyn was Gaius - trained in secret, and deliberately framed as a traitor/run-away to allow him move freely, he was given the task to suppress the shadow swords and maintain 'the way'. Of course, I always thought of Rhue & his phantom slasher as attempting to maintain the way as well, although their method was heavy-handed likely due to being corrupted so long ago.

Then again, maybe I'm just confusing him being the harbinger with also being the pharaphalyn. Either way, I always assumed some kind of showdown for him was intended for the story, had it continued.
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