I’ve just spent the past couple of weeks replaying The Way, and I've come out of it with a sense that, despite all the unknowns, there was more than enough information revealed to adequately communicate the central narrative and its themes - and that's all that really matters. The only thing that bugged me this time was that I still can’t provide a definitive timeline of dominant auras in Rhue's body, though I'm sure some of the guesses on this forum must be close enough. Again, revealing these secrets wouldn't add anything from a storytelling perspective, so it's not really important.. but I suppose it would be fun to know.
Porter wrote:Lun, it has been 20 years, time to spill the beans on everything.
20 years is crazy. I was gonna say happy anniversary but I guess it’s still another year and a half until episode 6 reaches that milestone.
LunC wrote:Actually, I still think I may end up releasing an updated version of The Way someday.
Lun, please don't tease us like that!