BETA TOPIC: The Big List Of Everything

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BETA TOPIC: The Big List Of Everything

Postby Sage Of The Wise » Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:10 pm

Yeah, if you havent noticed yet, I'm bad with coming up with titles. I've now added Sacrifa's comments on the poems, and the entire convo with the man in red down in the summoning pits. Also, I have a very twisted sence of organization, so when you see sections dissapearing or moving around, thats just me trying to make sence of everything.



Weilds the Phantom Slasher
Kills Jeruh with the help of Gaius, then Jeruh's aura takes over Rhue's body.
Will do anything if he thinks it will help him find Serena.
Seems to absorb his own aura in Jopaga's lab in ep4.
Is being manipulated by his sword to carry out its own version of justice.
Absorbed Midian's aura at some point early in the series, most likely before ep1.

Real name is Alagard.
Kalmar's Son.
Befriended Rhue.
Killed his father because he thought Kalmar killed his mother.
Upon finding out who really killed his mother, he took Rhue's shadow sword and killed himself, breaking the blade.
Kalmar's original "perfect blade"
Left the blood Lyn after not being able to complete a task his father gave him.
First of the 2 blood lyn to escape.
Lost in the Estana Tournement on purpose.
Note: Alagard is probably a reference to Alucard, Dracula's son who sought revenge on his father too and killed him.

Kloe's blood brother.
Kalmar's new perfect blade.
Second of the 2 blood lyn to escape, though probably did it under orders.
Helped Rhue kill Jeruh.
Wanted to do somthing to Rhue's sword.
Was able to sence Lyrra's death and Kloe killing Baller.
Doesn't want Kloe near him after he found out what she did.
Not harmed by Rhue's Sword.

Gaius' blood sister.
In love with Gaius.
Hired to work for Forman Baller.
Killed him becasue he cheated on her.
Was going to be exicuted by the Blana Sera, but escaped.
Knew Cetsa from childhood, got pushed into a river when they fought over Serena's necklace.

Also known as Dancing Violet.
Leader of the Blue Scarves.
Captured by Slade and brought to Estrana.
Has Serena's pendant.
Pretended to be Serena so Rhue would help her.
Stabbed by Slade when she tried to help him.
Knew Kloe from childhood, pushed her into a river when they fought over Serena's necklace.
Knows Scatha from the past.

Stole Dippy from Rhue before attackiing him and leaving him to die.
Pushed Rhue into the pits.
Saved Lyrra from the Blue Scarves and became heer boyfriend.
Champoin of the Estrana tournament.

Shadow Foot.
Scatha's brother.
Thinks he knows Strata from somewhere.
Threw Scatha into the pits on his mothers orders.
Strongly Believes in justice.
Has a knack of having girls die near him, always blames himself.
Jumped off a cliff after deciding his life was a failure.
Stabbed Cetsa right before he died, because he wanted to do somthing for himself.

Knows Scatha from before her face was burned.
Went with Scatha to find Tetzel.
Says Forrunners don't exist.
"Closest thing to a Forerunner there will ever be"

Real name is Chasta.
Slade's sister.
Mother burned her face and had Slade threw her in the pits for having
inapropriete relations with a boy.
Knows Rhue from before he was known as Rhue.
Knows Dirk from before her face was burned.
Went with Dirk to find Tetzel.
Knows Cetsa from the past.
Claims to know Serena.

Obbsessed with Cetsa.
leader of the Estrana Blue Scarves.
Secret member of the Aristotzi, known as Red Zero.
Used Rhue in hopes of learning about Cetsa.
Fell in love with Rhue.
Accidently killed by Rhue during the Aristotzi invasion of City Hall.

Poems/Stories/ etc.

"The Mimic" by Kleunwrade
One who stole their names,
The child of Janwen's bane.
Darkness, shadow, death.
As long as it has breath.
Sacrifa:"The Mimic" is a legendary evil that is said to have imitated its victims. The Mimic killed people and then would pretend to be them. For a time the Mimic was the most feared being across the entire Way.

"Venge" by Kleunwrade
Scar upon the father's brow
Left by son, the disavowed
The shadowed depths below forsaken
Enter now our world, thy haven.

Fading into the night,
The scourge of fear, the blight.
Upon this land beneath the sky.
Echoes of the past decry.
Sacrifa: Venge was supposedly a son of the Lord Below that came to the Middle Way in order to avenge the scarring of his father.
Rhue: The Lord Below was scarred?
Sacrifa: Yes, in a battle with Lyn who were weilding the Illuminati.
Rhue: Hmmm... (That's strange. The poem seems to suggest otherwise.)

"Kura" by Kleunwrade
Legend of the fallen world,
Betrayed for lust, a plan unfurled.
First to right a single wrong,
Then revenge, The Guided strong.
Sacrifa: The show we were in didn't go into what became of Kura. That's to be expected though. Most people focus on Kava and Luma. Did you know the entire Guided camp was massacred the night after Kava and Luma met their end? Most people believe it was Kava come back from the dead, to avenge himself and Luma. It's also said that a forest grew up out of the ground where the massacre occurred.

The land beneath the sky
Echoes of the past decried
A lost love carried on
Words to a lonely song
Everyone must bleed
Truth hides hothing

Stranger: Hail, wanderers...
Stranger: I'm looking for a person named
Jeruh. Have any of you seen him?
Dana: Not me.
Wes: Me neither. What about you Rhue?
Rhue: ...
Stranger: Well?
Rhue: No.
Stranger: Thank you for your cooperation, but
all the same...
[He attacks]

Slade & Strata
Slade: ... I know you...
Strata: Me? Are you sure? I've
never seen you before...
Slade: Hmmm...
Strata: You must excuse me, I have
a rabbit race to win.

Rhue likes caves
Traziun: Nice work Rhue.
Gaius: Now, hopefully there's
an exit out of here
Traziun: I'm sure one can't
be too far off.
Gaius: Good, I'm starting to feel a
little claustrophobic in here.
Rhue: It's not so bad...
Traziun: What? You like it in here?
Rhue: I didn't say that.
Let's just go.

Complete Aura explanation
Jopaga: The defensive aura around the Phantom's Edge has six flows. Many aren't aware that the "auras" they use are just fragmented pieces of complete auras. Most swords cannot grasp all the aspects of a complete aura. Quite simply, no one has ever devised or found an alloy capable of such a feat. Therefore, only a few parts of a complete aura are "broken" off and actually absorbed by common swords and other conductors. I believe the aura around the phantom's edge is complete... but it's strange... I only know of one thing that can project such a powerful aura.... a Shadow Sword. They are the only thing I'm aware of that has the ability to absorb and project complete auras. I believe it is this ability which makes them so powerful. I don't know if a Shadow Sword is putting off that aura. I just know that the properties are very similiar.

Convo With Man in Red
Man: Welcome.
Rhue: Who are you?
Man: I don't know, Who are you?
Rhue: Adventurers.
Man: Ah, I know what it is you seek. The swords of justice... the Illuminati. They are not here. Indeed, one might suggest that they exist no longer.
Rhue: What?
Man: Actually they do exist, but they are not what they once were.
Rhue: Actually, I could care less about...
Sacrifa: Hold on Rhue, I would like to hear this man out. Tell me, what happened tothe Illuminati? And what do you know of this place?
Man: This will take some time... It was during the years that Janwen became a sprawling city that most note the disappearance of the Illuminati from history. During this time, the people of the land slipped under the sway of the Lord Below. It was not long before he came to reside beneath Janwen. The people of Janwen adored and worshipped the Lord Below. In places such as this they came to meet with his lessers and make deals.
Sacrifa: The summoning pits are here?
Man: Yes, they lie through the doors behind you. I see you are somewhat familiar with the terminology.
Sacrifa: I have studied Janwen quite extensively. Please, continue.
Man: The influence of the Lord Below grew in the land. Innocent blood flowed. The Illuminati slept. But then... An impetus suddenly began rolling through the outlying lands. The Illuminati were discovered and taken up once again. All, but one. They came to Janwen. And when they reached the city, they descended into the Pits to find the Lord Below, through the very passages you yourself have come. There, in the fiery depths of the Reaches, they faced off against the Evil One. Surely they fought most gallantly and victory must have seemed certain. They scarred the Evil One badly that day. But as the Lord Below was driven back, he conjured up a great power from the multitudes under his sway. In that desperate hour he unleashed a shockwave that decimated the auras of all living things for miles and miles around. The Illuminati vanished. Janwen burned.
Sacrifa: Kava kura, are you certain of these things?!
Man: Indeed, I am.
Rhue: I hate to cut things short, but we really have a lot to do.
Man: Yes, I grow weary of this as well. Watch your step though, some Lessers still abide in this place.[/b]

"M20" Man
The Mists
Man: I saw the mists. Right before they crash down they get real red like blood. They reach for the sky, but they can't escape.

The Ocean
Man: Have you ever seen the ocean? Every river flows into the ocean. They bring sediment from far away lands and the riptides carry it out to sea. Everyday the ocean's waves beat against the shore, eroding the land. And everyday the rivers carry off more sediment. The rivers widen and the shorelines diminish. Maybe everything will one day be engulfed by the waters... Maybe that is the will of the Purpose.

The Window
Man: It's pretty, huh? I don't look out any of them anymore. I used to look and what I saw made me very happy. But the longer I looked the more my happiness faded. As time went on, looking made me sadder and sadder. I began to wish more and more that I had never looked at all. So one day I turned away. My stomach clenched up and my mouth went dry. All of the water went to my eyes. I let the tears fall onto the ground. It was like one of those rivers, slowly carrying away bits and pieces of me. Sometimes, when my eyes were full, I saw visions... I felt very sick for a long time. If you look out each window long enough, you might see what I eventually saw, but if I were you I wouldn't do it. It's a great burden once you know.
Rhue: Wait a second... I do see something... It's... Just some little kid... smiling? What a waste of time that was.
Last edited by Sage Of The Wise on Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.
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Postby EmperorJeramyu » Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:17 pm

"Unfortunately, the dragon only speaks in Napalm, a curious ancient language that you don't really need to speak to understand."
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Postby Telephalsion » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:04 pm

Random possibly nonsensical thought upon rereading the works of kleunwrade

Child of janwens bane. It would refer to something that came from the lord below, since the lord below destroyed janwen from the red guy conversation.
And considering the mimics abilioties it could ahve been a soulless being who took the auras of its victims or some shit like that.

The land beneath the sky - The Way
Echoes of the past decried - Someoens past condemned
A lost love carried on - Rhues hunt for serena?
Words to a lonely song - No clue here
Everyone must bleed - Obvious i guess
Truth hides hothing - -^^-

from my little notes you can see my point, the start menu poem seems to describe our hero. He wanders the way, he has condemned his past, he has taken up the chase for a love already lost.

If Kura is Rhue, then I'll assume Kura is in fact the son of the lord below, who seems to be the mimic.

Greatchickenman wrote:I'm up for any type of female at least once.

Any type of female.
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Postby Porter » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:17 pm

No Rhue?
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Postby Sage Of The Wise » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:20 pm

Yeah, havent done him yet. If anyone else does, go right ahead though. Along with all the other characters I havent done yet.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.
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Postby Non-Sequitur » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:28 pm

There have been several ideas about who or what "Rhue" might have been in the past. Both Kura and The Mimic have been suggested. I am wondering if Sacrifa's comments on the "Kura" poem could be describing the beginning of The Mimic.

This is assuming Rhue was once Kura and already had obtained his sword by the time of the events depicted in the play. When Kava died, his aura could have been absorbed by the sword (since it would be near enough) and Kura could have started "mimicking" Kava in the same way that we later see him mimicking Jeruh (with the made up identify of Rhue) and possibly Midian before that. This would explain how the guided were killed. If this is true then, "it was Kava come back from the dead, to avenge himself and Luma." is not that far off. After that he could have gone on to kill and imitate several more victims, becoming the legend known as The Mimic.

There is a major problem that I see with this though. Why did The Mimic become inactive for so long? I can't think of any good answer to that. I am sure there are other problems that I haven't thought of. If anyone thinks of any, please point them out.
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Postby Sage Of The Wise » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:40 pm

Why did The Mimic become inactive for so long?

Whos to say he has? Assuming your right, there has to have been alot of people hes mimicked between Kava and Midian, we just dont know about them.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.
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Postby Non-Sequitur » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:51 pm

I know that we wouldn't know who the other victims were. That is not why I thought The Mimic must have become inactive. If he never did, then why is there no mention of him in any of the previous episodes except for possibly this? Why would he go from being "the most feared being across the entire Way" to never even being talked about if he did not stop killing and imitating people?

Edit: As noted in the thread that I linked to there is another possible reference to The Mimic. In the tavern at Lide Traziun says,
"I remember something
very similiar to this
happening a long time

Edit again:
I have an old version of Episode 2. Has the typo in the above quote been fixed?
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Postby Telephalsion » Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:05 am

An entire forest grew on the site of the guided massacre eh... what big forests have we run across?

RHue's landorin/end of the way anyone?
Greatchickenman wrote:I'm up for any type of female at least once.

Any type of female.
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Postby Impossible » Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:05 am

The forest in E6 isn't on The Way, otherwise I'd suggest that one... Yeah, the End of the Way looks a little foresty, but I doubt that's it.
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Postby PsychicK » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:07 am

Telephalsion wrote:An entire forest grew on the site of the guided massacre eh... what big forests have we run across?

RHue's landorin/end of the way anyone?

The forest on episode 5, on the way to Tetzel. Sacrfica and his companions were killed there by the PS, maybe not a coincidence? :roll:
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Postby Telephalsion » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:27 am

that would be the area just prior to the little run through the rainy forest before gaius confronts you
Greatchickenman wrote:I'm up for any type of female at least once.

Any type of female.
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Postby Non-Sequitur » Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:24 am

I don't think this has been mentioned before. I just found a map called "Landorin Massacre" that I don't remember seeing before. Lyrra, Lexus, "The Girl", and Cetsa are lying dead in the area from the start of the flashbacks to the Landorin Massacre. Their events are labeled Lil Girl 1, 2, 3, and 4. The maps from The Reaches ending with Rhue falling have the note, "Teleport to Landorin Massacre (6, 11)".
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Postby Strayed Wanderer » Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:40 am

Non-Sequitur wrote:I don't think this has been mentioned before. I just found a map called "Landorin Massacre" that I don't remember seeing before. Lyrra, Lexus, "The Girl", and Cetsa are lying dead in the area from the start of the flashbacks to the Landorin Massacre. Their events are labeled Lil Girl 1, 2, 3, and 4. The maps from The Reaches ending with Rhue falling have the note, "Teleport to Landorin Massacre (6, 11)".

We've had a discussion about it before... doesn't seem to mean that much.
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Postby Non-Sequitur » Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:11 am

I thought there was something missing from the poems section and I just realized what it is. If you read the "Venge" peom more than once you will see more lines.

"Fading into the night,
The scourge of fear, the blight.
Upon this land beneath the sky.
Echoes of the past decry."
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